THERE ARE NO laws against eating on public transport – which means we can all crack open a bag of crisps on an empty bus without fear of punishment.
But those same rules allow somebody on a bus or a train to eat a full, hot meal while sitting right beside you – and it’s a travesty for all concerned.
The smellier the food, the worse the offence
Talk here of a “sociable snack” raises some interesting questions
But what would a sociable snack be exactly? What is acceptable when you’re crammed in next to someone on Dublin Bus, say?
No reasonable person would have an issue with polo mints or their ilk.
However, there are constant reports of tuna and other fish being consumed on buses and trains the world over
TUNA ffs.
And eggs too
Most would agree that this is taking things too far for the other passengers – but everyone has different standards.
Others have issues with hot meals being consumed right beside them
Sandwiches > a full Chinese, according to this guy
So sandwiches are OK? What if they’re tuna sandwiches?
It’s not just the smell, though. The proximity to the food presents noise issues too
The Guardian’s guide to eating on public transport says that it all comes down to the smell – and that hot food is the number one enemy:
In a confined space, at the wrong time of day, any powerful odour (from hot food, particularly) is likely to make someone, somewhere feel queasy.
Even those foods that YOU think are grand, definitely are not for somebody out there:
Even those foods that we are supposed to love the smell of, such as bacon or fish and chips, will stink up the place and, potentially, irritate. There needs to be compromise.
It’s a minefield.
So, we ask you, what food is OK to be eaten on public transport?