Dublin: 9 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

Semi-d house for sale, decorated ENTIRELY in purple

“This house has been maintained to a high standard.”

WANT TO BUY a nice semi-detached house?

How about this one?

Source: Rightmove

It’s located in the London suburb of Uxbridge, has a spacious garden and… oh.

Source: Rightmove

Every single room in the house is decorated in purple.

Source: Rightmove

Literally every single one.

Source: Rightmove

It’s currently advertised on property site Rightmove, which describes it as “cleverly planned” and “maintained to a high standard”.

Oh, and the decor? It’s a “family inspired design”, apparently.

That explains why the bath is covered in purple carpet:

Source: Rightmove

Even the plants are purple.

Source: Rightmove

Yours for the bargain price of £400,000. No redecoration necessary, if you like being constantly surrounded with the colours of seduction.

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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