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11 reasons why Put 'Em Under Pressure should be the national anthem

And the only song to listen to on match day.

Republic+Of+Ireland+Footb+Put+Em+Under+Pressure+218724 Source: eil.com

1. The opening riff still gives you chills whenever you hear it.


2. And no piece of music makes you feel more patriotic.

Not even Riverdance.

3. Or emotional.

4. In fact, you’re of the view that it should be the national anthem

All rise for our national anthem.

*clears throat* “We’re all part of Jackie’s Army…”

13/6/2016. Irish Soccer Fans Source: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland

5. It *pains* you that it’s not on Spotify

6. As a result, this is one of your most-watched YouTube videos 

And the first video you go to on match day.

were Source: YouTube

7. The comments under Put ‘Em Under Pressure make you feel warm and fuzzy inside

Who said you shouldn’t read the comments, eh?

thecomments Source: YouTube

8. You’ve listened to it so often you’re able to recite all of Jack Charlton’s parts

You, after 10 pints: “WE INFLICT OUR GAME ON THE PEOPLE”

Today is the 25th Annivesary of the return home to Dublin of the Italia 90 Irish Soccer Team. Source: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland

9. And you’ve been known to lose your mind when it comes on at weddings

Ties and jackets off, lads.

10. You’re pretty sure it might be Larry Mullen’s finest achievement

He produced it, didn’t you know?

Larry Mullen U2 pictured at the Meteor Ireland Music Awards 2004 in The Point Depot .Photo:Photocall Ireland

11. In short, it might just be the best song ever

Sing it loud and sing it proud.

We’re all part of Jackie’s Army/We’re all off to win the league/And we’ll really shake them up/When we win the World Cup/‘Cause Ireland are the greatest football team


File photo: Next Wednesday is the 25th Annivesary of the return home to Dublin of the Italia 90 Irish Soccer Team. Source: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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