Dublin: 7 °C Monday 3 March, 2025

Ah lads, the koala pictures...

It’s too much.

WE CAN’T GET enough of these.

World leaders, with big smiley heads, holding koala bears.

G20 leaders meet a koala Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott and United States' President Barack Obama with some amorous pals Source: G20 Australia

G20 leaders meet a koala Source: G20 Australia

G20 leaders meet a koala Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Jimbelung the koala, while Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and IMF's Christine Legarde look on Source: G20 Australia

G20 leaders meet a koala Christine Lagarde and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker having the LOLs. The koala isn't so sure Source: G20 Australia

G20 leaders meet a koala Putin's Koala looks perplexed Source: G20 Australia

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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