CONVERSATION CAN BE hard sometimes, particularly if you don’t know the person very well.
As a result, we frequently ask questions unthinkingly, simply because they pop out of our mouths.
The thing is, all too often they are questions that break the heart of the person being asked, and so today we humbly suggest that the following questions be banned from discourse.
How’s the job hunt going?
Hey, guess what? If the job hunt is going well, I’ll probably tell you about it. If it’s not, I don’t want to talk about it. So just stop with that, ok?
When are you two going to get engaged?
Right now actually! Right here in front of you! What could be more romantic than that?
When are you two going to have a baby?
Oh just shut up.
How’s the love life?
Again, if it’s going well I’ll probably let you know, and if it’s not I don’t want to talk about it.
When are you due?
Listen, I’m just carrying a little bit of extra weight after my holidays, ok?
Does this make me look fat?
You don’t want to know the answer, so don’t ask the question.
Who broke up with who?
Oh yes. Please, please can I go through the details of my painful breakup with you?
Renting is such a waste of money, would you not buy a house?
Wait a minute. I could buy a house? That’s an option?!? Please join me as I go to the bank and withdraw the €30,000 I have resting in my account, just waiting to be used.
What questions do you think should be banned?