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31 questions everyone plagues you with when you've had a baby



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Dublin comedian Emma Doran is hoping to prepare you for the influx of intrusive questions by complete strangers and all new mothers can relate.

Here’s a sample:

  1. Did you go yourself?
  2. Did you get induced?
  3. Was the labour bad?
  4. Did you have a natural birth?
  5. Did you get the epidural?
  6. Did they use the foreceps?
  7. Did you tear?
  8. Did you get stitches?
  9. Was he there?
  10. What did he think?
  11. Did he cut the umbilical chord?
  12. Are you feeding him yourself?
  13. Are you giving the breastfeeding a go?
  14. How often are you feeding him?
  15. Will you have to express?
  16. Are you sleeping?
  17. Is the baby sleeping?
  18. Is the baby in a moses basket?
  19. Is the baby in the bed with you?
  20. Are you in the spare room?


And that’s not even half of it…



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