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9 questions women need answered right this second

Well? We’re waiting.


1. Does the fake tan industry have a different definition of the word ‘gradual’?

2. How do you pronounce ‘micellar water’?

Bioderma-Sensibio-H2O-Portrait Source: Ipcdigital

Some people say ‘my-sellar’, others say ‘miss-sellar’. Someone needs to tell us soon before we make fools of ourselves.

3. Why don’t they make changing room curtains wide enough that we don’t have to tug them back and forth like eejits?

tumblr_nj307kIdu71r7xloyo2_500 Source: Tumblr

*tugs to the left* Oh no, look at that gap. *tugs to the right* Ah Jesus, still a gap. *tugs whole curtain off the rail, leaves shop in disgust*

4. Why does tampon packaging sound like World War III?

Since when did shopping for #tampons seem like you're going through the #barbie aisle at toysrus? Source: Instagram/toripsako

5. Can clothes shops just agree on sizing already?

nyårsafton-12 Source: Tidningensolo

Pinging from 8 to 10 to 12 to 14 does wonders for your self-confidence.

6. Why does one eyebrow hurt more to pluck than the other?

So today I really realized how annoying it can be to be a girl. Shaved my legs and underarms while in the shower. Now I'm plucking my eyebrows...followed by making sure my hair is #onfleek and making sure my face looks #pretty. #whomadeupthesebeautystandards #myguessisaman #pluckingeyebrows #shavinglegs #makeup #hair #onpoint #savemefrombeautystandards Source: Instagram/rhcpjessi

7. And is this why they always end up looking so different?

‘Your eyebrows should be sisters, not twins’. But my eyebrows are more like second cousins once removed?

8. Why are fake pockets even a thing?

We have a lot of stuff to carry! We need real pockets!

9. And why is it that jeans can either fit your bum or your legs, but not both at the same time?

giphy Source: Giphy

We’re worn out. Ladies, please leave any other questions or concerns in the comments.

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