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How Well Do You Know St. Brigid?

Is your knowledge pagan or Christian?

TODAY IS THE first of February which, of course, is the feast day of our beloved St. Brigid. 

bdwag Source: Shutterstock

January in primary school was spent counting down the days until February 1st when we all got a doss afternoon making St. Brigid’s crosses. But there’s much more to our Biddy than crucifixes made from reeds: so how much do you really know about one of our patron saints?

Q1. What does the name 'Brigid' mean?
Exalted (powerful) one

Noble lady
Bright sun/shining light
Q2. Where was St. Brigid born?
Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Dungarvan, Co. Waterford

Dundalk, Co.Louth
Q3. The 1 February, one of four important Celtic fire festivals, was called Imbolg (i mBolg) - what does Imbolg mean?
The Birth of Summertime: Winter was pregnant with summertime
Lightness defeating darkness: the days getting longer and brighter

Mother Nature awakening from her winter's slumber
Q4. Which of the below was NOT left outside overnight to be blessed by St. Brigid?
Dishes of salt and butter that were later used to cute sore throats
Ribbon/fabric that were used to help women's fertility and used in childbirth

Pails of water that were used to treat fevers
Q5. Brigid had an 'Anam Cara' or soul friend called Darlughdach, who she shared her life with.
Q6. In pagan times, couples could renew their wedding vows for a year or choose to separate.
Q7. Her remains were exhumed with her body brought to Downpatrick, but where was her skull brought to?

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