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The importance of Rachel McAdam's viral breast pump pic can not be understated

A photographer captured her pumping on set.

RACHEL MCADAMS IS looking to break the last taboo, one photoshoot at the time.

THE CANADIAN PRESS 2017-09-10 Source: Nathan Denette

If you’re unaware, the actor quietly (well, it probably didn’t happen quietly, but she kept it quiet), gave birth to her son with James Linden six months ago.

She shortly headed back to work, shooting for Girls. Girls. Girls magazine and, in between shots, pumped milk as she was still breastfeeding.

Photographer Claire Rothstein posted the above shot on Instagram, writing: “Breastfeeding is the most normal thing in the world and I can’t for the life of me imagine why or how it is ever frowned upon or scared of.

I don’t even think it needs explaining but just wanted to put this out there, as if it even changes one person’s perception of something so natural, so normal, so amazing then that’s great.”

In fairness, how often do you see gal rocking Versace and breastfeeding (or pumping) simultaneously?

The shot is receiving pretty much universal praise online.

Breastfeeding and pumping is rarely, if ever, portrayed in mainstream media. It’s even rarer to see it shown in this manner – as a fashion statement almost.

While there has been some criticism that it’s a scenario that the average woman can’t relate to (imagine having a makeup artist on hand as you try and get your sprog to latch!), it does go a long way in “normalising” it (although, it’s worth noting that breastfeeding has always been normal, until a cohort decided it wasn’t.)

Sure, it could be argued that breastfeeding isn’t everyone’s definition of ‘glamour’, but it’s a totally normal thing to do – not dissimilar to brushing your teeth, for example. It’s also not a sexual moment, as many men claim it be when faced with a women’s body that isn’t intended for them.

Bottom line? If Rachel McAdams can do it, what’s stopping anyone else? 

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