THE ONE DIRECTION hiatus news is causing tears to flow all over the world this week. Directioners aren’t accepting people telling them to ‘calm down, it’s just a hiatus, they’ll be back’.
One radio station who definitely don’t play One Direction tunes, is Classic FM. The classical music station based in London put up a news item about the band’s break for a year. Entitled ‘The One Direction split – everything you need to know’, the article doesn’t tell us ANYTHING we need to know.
The subhead says:
Really, don’t worry about it. Here’s a magnificent Mahler Symphony.
How are Directioners taking it? Well, hopefully not as bad as the Classic FM listeners who didn’t even bother to click into the article on Facebook.
Let’s all calm down and listen to an hour and seventeen minutes of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No 7 in E minor.