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A definitive ranking of noughties television series finales

What, you’re gonna leave it like THAT?

US SITCOM HOW I Met Your Mother broadcast its series finale on Monday. There was a mixed reaction to the story’s conclusion, so we got thinking of other finales which excelled and severely disappointed all expectations.

SO, here are our picks, from worst to best.

SPOILERS AHOY. Spoiler: Here be spoilers.

Just to clarify, you’ll be drowning in spoilers. Here is a life ring to help you through it.

25kgs-solas-life-buoy-ring Source: Rongsheng-life

Here we go, from worst to best.

12. Gilmore Girls

Goodbye forever, our favourite mother-daughter duo. What a bland way to see them go, though. WHY did Rory get a job with Obama? The whole street waves goodbye? Are Loralei and Luke a thing now or no? What of Logan? So many questions, we’ll never get over the lack of closure.

Source: Mother of Dragons/YouTube

11. The O.C

History starts to repeat itself, as this grating drama finally got its conclusion. It’s so low on the list because we KNOW Seth and Summer don’t get together in real life, so it’s all tainted, and should have ended when Marissa died.

Source: trashcaninboxcom/YouTube

10. Dexter

Creators of this secret serial-killer drama may as well have just stabbed devotees in the heart. He didn’t get any comeuppance, but instead, finished off his wounded sister and legged it into hiding.

Source: ktprpl/YouTube

9. The X Files

Named The Truth, we never actually find out any hint of truth. It’s still out there, thanks for nothing. At least Mulder reappeared.

Source: dattitude1986/YouTube

8. Lost

And they were dead all along… Aside from being too long, much like the entire series, the finale of the baffling series brought about more questions than answers. It was supposed to ‘all become clear’! They weren’t in purgatory, we were.

Source: rados915/YouTube

7. The Sopranos

While the whole episode was good, it was the last few minutes that were the kicker. Tony gathers with his family at dinner while Don’t Stop Believing plays. WHAT WILL HAPPEN? Well, nothing, only a cut-to-black. The tension, unrelieved.

Source: njean666/YouTube

6. Sex and the City

Carrie is saved by her prince. Aww. But it was the final scene that solidified the female friendship theme throughout the series. YOU’VE got the love. We also found out Big’s name, big moment.

Source: Felipe Carvalho/YouTube

5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

A final battle takes place against evil itself. Fans felt the series had come full circle, with Buffy not riding off into the sunset with a man, but completing her journey from loner with a heavy responsibility, to having strong friends who help her. Aw.

Source: 1lauramagee/YouTube

4. The Wire

The finale to the much-acclaimed series revisited long forgotten characters in a montage as McNulty looks out over Baltimore. It’s not the most satisfying, but fitting, and maintains our belief that these characters exist out of each 60 minute snippet we get to peek on.

Source: WireLover2/YouTube

3. Six Feet Under

Everything up to the last few moments were made null and void. Who can listen to Sia’s Breathe Me without casting their mind back to this brilliant scene? They kill off literally everyone, if that’s not closure, we don’t know what is.


Source: cscsmark/YouTube

2. Friends



The finale was fitting, throwing in some touching moments with those jokes that never get old, proving the sitcom to be consistent to the very end.

Source: Metallica891/YouTube

1. Breaking Bad

Let’s be honest, it had to happen. It was a heart-wrenching but apt finale, satisfying in every sense. We said goodbye to Jesse and Walt to the jaunty tones of Badfinger Baby Blue, getting the closure everyone deserved, and even feeling a little empathy.

Source: RKK Singh/YouTube

Special mention: Amber

WHAT HAPPENED TO AMBER? Don’t think we’ve forgotten about it RTÉ, not for one second.

Agree, disagree? Let us know or add your own in the comments. Before it’s all over.

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