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An Important And Official Ranking Of Things To Put On Chips

Probably the most important conversation we will ever have as a nation.

Supermac's. #supermacs #fastfood #Ireland #Irlande

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THE HUMBLE CHIP is perhaps the most beautiful of all foodstuffs, but it needs help to reach its full potential. Irish people have made an art of putting stuff on chips, but which topping is the best?

Here is our ranking of things to put on chips – excluding standards like ketchup, mayonnaise and vinegar. Our word, as always, is final.

8. Coleslaw

An actual thing served by the otherwise unimpeachable Supermacs. Bleugh. Save it for your rot sandwiches, why don’t you.

7. Cheese

Gros gros gros 😍 #irland #fat #burger #supermacs

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Cheese is good on chips BUT only when paired with another topping – on its own, it doesn’t really melt properly, resulting in a disappointing cheesy-chip experience. Boo.

6. Curry

A classic, and for good reason. However, it pales in comparison to the flashier toppings higher in this list. Also, the soggy chips at the bottom of the carton? Terrible. The worst thing to ever happen to an innocent chip.

5. ‘Taco’

#taco #tacochips #chips #abrakebabra #dinner #dublin #ireland #5€ #buenisima #tacofries

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AKA spicy mince and cheese. It’s very satisfying at a certain time of the night, or in the depths of a hangover – but loses points for being disgusting at every other time.

4. Aromat

An indulgent treat, with an ingredients list your mother would shriek at. So bad, yet so very good.

3. Gravy

You don’t encounter this nearly often enough, but bless poutine, KFC, and Limerick’s Chicken Hut for showing us the glory of gravy on chips.

2. Curry and cheese

Separately, they’re fine. Together, curry and cheese are unstoppable. The hot curry melts the cheese, and the flavours meld to create something truly special. *kisses fingertips*

1. Garlic sauce

First port of call off the ferry #supermacs #JustEmigrantThings #home

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Garlic sauce is worshipped with an almost religious fervour here in Ireland, so it’s only right that it is the perfect accompaniment to chips. Cheese adds to it, of course, but it stands completely on its own. Perfect.

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More: 9 things to eat and drink at Body & Soul this weekend>

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