RAY D’ARCY BEGAN his quest to take over Saturday night telly last night – and it provoked quite a response from those eager to see what RTÉ would be serving up as prime time weekend TV from now on.
He entered the stage and could barely get started such was the hoopla in the RTÉ studio. Silencing the crowd like:
He began by telling the story of how one of his neighbours popped the head over the fence during the week and said:
Good luck Ray. It’s a big deal.
No pressure, then. He then revealed that he was feeling the stress a little coming up to the new show:
I have to be honest, I am feeling a little bit of pressure this week. I was tense at home in the D’Arcy household.
Ah, Ray. It’ll be grand.
The first guest up was ex Munster rugby man Donnacha O’Callaghan
Loads of people absolutely loved him, as he chatted away about his charity work and showed some adorable shots of his kids
The make-up came under fire though
Still a decent, if unsurprising first guest down for Ray
The fact that there was a massive rugby match happening at the time of the interview wasn’t lost on people
Remember the Dancing Man story from back in May? Ray had him on next
Englishman Sean O’Brien chatted about the viral story that saw worldwide social media support against people body shaming him, but for some it wasn’t the most timely of interviews:
Next up was Tulisa, but because of some legal wranglings she couldn’t talk about her recent trials and tribulations
Which didn’t go down well
The final guest of the night was the main man of the evening – Tommy Tiernan. And he had some decent lines
Including one notable line about soft mickeys that got Ray and the crowd going
Then, Wheatus (remember them?) played out the show with TEENAGE DIRTBAG
There was a choir involved too
And some good gags
So, what were people’s first impressions of the show? There were plenty of lighbulbs, anyway
Overall though, some were impressed with Ray’s first outing in the Saturday night hotseat
While others thought it was same old same old
But most people agreed that Tommy Tiernan was probably the real star of the first show
First night down Ray. Onwards to next week’s show.