LAST NIGHT’S RAY D’Arcy Show featured chats with the nation’s architectural sweetheart Dermot Bannon, Welsh rugby ref Nigel Owens, Darren Kennedy and ‘Queen of Shops’ Mary Portas.
Which is all well and good.
But it’ll probably be best remembered for the two hens that Pauline McLynn brought on
Who provided some unintentional moments of comedy right from the start
Pauline was on to discuss the plight of battery hens – female chickens that live in cages and need new homes once they stop producing eggs. McLynn and the animal rescue charity that she works with helps the hens find new farms to live on.
It was a cause applauded by many watching
A noble pursuit of course, but the very fact that two chickens had invaded prime time Irish telly was brilliant
It took a while to get used to the picture
It was just one of those quintessentially Irish chat show scenes
But then, the moment that live TV was bound to produce, one of the hens peed on Ray
Never work with animals and children on telly
If you can’t see the video, click here.