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What Should Your REAL New Year's Resolution Be?

We know best.

LET US TELL you. Forget your exercise, healthy eating, etc.


1. What would you say is your guiltiest pleasure?
Sleeping all day
Crap magazines

Buying things I don't need
2. When was the last time you spoke to your mammy?

A long time ago
Dunno, last week?
3. How much time do you spend on social media, honestly?
Too much
So much, I feel guilty about it

Enough that's it's fun
No time whatsoever
4. What would you like to do less of in the new year.
Being lazy
Hanging out with idiots

Wasting my money
Not giving 100 percent in my job
5. Did you keep your resolution last year?
6. How would you describe 2015?

Great craic

7. What is the plan for New Year's Eve?
Get drunk
Take it easy

Celebrate to an extent
8. What do you hope to achieve in the New Year?
Fall in love
Ride a lot of people

Success in work
Keep things the same

Get fit and healthy
Just be happier
9. Finally, would you say 2015 was overall a good year?
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You should give up Facebook stalking
We know you're guilty of it. Cut it out for the year and see how happier you are without knowing what your ex's ex is up to.
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You should start getting up earlier
You're a bit lazy, but if you just got up like TEN minutes earlier every morning think of how human you'd look...!
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Apartment Therapy
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You should clean out your junk drawer
C'mon, how messy are you going to let it get. What is even IN THERE?
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Learn how to use your washing machine
DO IT. LET THIS BE THE TIME. Don't just keep guessing.
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You should call your loved ones more
Namely, your mammy, if you're still lucky enough to have her. Call her RIGHT NOW.
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You should eat more cake
C'mon, it's the only logical resolution you need in your life.
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