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15 key differences between reality TV in Ireland and reality TV in America

We just do things differently.

1. Let’s start with Jersey Shore – where the collective tactic to resolve disputes was a trash-talking fist fight after the nightclub


2. Alternatively in Tallafornia, roaring matches took place in taxis packed full of Tesco Value eggs

Source: tvtallafornia/YouTube

“It’s only five eggs per bloke per day.”

Not a fist raised in anger over the eggs, either.

3. Contestants on dating shows in the States tend to have a not-so-subtle approach to things – often expressing themselves like this lad


4. While in Ireland, the comments are a lot less brazen

supermacsgalway Source: RTE

Nobody on a dating show in the States would ever make such an audacious comparison.

5. American reality shows often have some serious celebrity clout leading the way – sure Donald Trump has gone on to become the Republican Presidential candidate after hosting The US Apprentice

original Source: NBC

6. The biggest name to come out of our Apprentice was yer man Breffny

Launch of txtajob.ie. Beat the Recession at txtajob.ie! More than 1,300 job vacancies available at txtAjob.ie. Pictured is Apprentice star Breffny Morgan at the launch of txtajob.ie, a new mobile and online platform which provides Source: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

7. In fairness to to the US, they’ve discovered a fair amount of talent on their singing shows


Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood – they’ve produced some big names alright.

8. Ireland haven’t been as successful on the international stage, understandably enough

mickey Source: Niall Carson/PA Archive

Source: Ashleigh3070/YouTube

9. The earliest controversy to hit American reality TV was this heated argument from The Real World

Source: Antawn Wilson/YouTube

10. While we had Nadine’s passport-gate here

passport Source: RTE

The first has been dubbed The Slap Heard Around The World thanks to the agenda-setting commotion it caused… whereas Nadine’s passport lie is mostly brought up in Ireland so people can do the gas impression.

“I would be… 16. Naw, I gave the wrooong date of birth.”

11. The most intense our sports reality shows ever get is Celebrity Bainisteoir on RTÉ

brianpippa Source: Rte

^That’s the kind of brooding intensity you witness around the dressing room.

12. While those lads across the Atlantic have sh*t like this on the regular

the-ultimate-fighter-17-cast-featured Source: Fightinginsider

13. Semi-reality shows like The Hills were scripted fairly well – feel the drama here


14. While the most iconic moment Fade Street could provide was Paul from Wexford bursting dramatically into Oxegyn shouting “f**k off”

wexford Source: YouTube

15. What they have in glamour, we more than make up for in unintentional, grinding awkwardness

CgmKLJwW0AAWg2v Source: RTÉ

Never change, the pair of you <3

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About the author:

David Elkin

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