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Here are all the (excellent) reasons you don't need to study right now

A lesson in procrastination from DailyEdge.ie.


And you know what that means – ANYTHING but study.

(Psst, even if you’re not studying, there’s always time for a little procrastination.)

Look! A puppy!


Source: vic_uu

You have to organise your desk first, of course

It’s imperative that everything is neat before the study commences.

This dog’s funny snores have to be gotten out of the way first too

It’ll only take six seconds.

You NEED new stationery

It’ll help you learn faster. Or something.

Source: Fiona Hyde/DailyEdge.ie

This puzzle needs cracking before you get down to it

Just to warm up the ol’ brain and all that.

Source: chotda

Doesn’t your furniture need rearranging?

Yes. It does. How are you supposed to think with the couch in the wrong position like that? Borderline barbaric.

You should really phone your mam, actually

Go on, get that out of the way, then down to brass tacks.

Source: DailyEdge.ie

Wait! The puppies are getting away!


Source: somegifs

It’s very important that you clean out the cupboards

You haven’t done it in ages. Study after, promise.

Source: Imgur



Source: Lisa L Wiedmeier

Ah go on, one more. The books aren’t going anywhere.

Source: evocateur

Hope this li’l guy comes up on the exam.

Source: Ger Dekker

Share this with someone if you think they could use a little “study break”. And yes, before someone says it, of course the best reason not to study is a lack of exams. 

Read: Stressed Trinity students studying for their exams can now get “canine therapy”>

Read: You can now study Beyoncé in college>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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