WELL, WE’VE HAD a good run of it.
Irish people have enjoyed a whopping eight days of sunshine and warmth, at times enjoying warmer temperatures than places like Barcelona and Los Angeles.
We’ve experienced a lot of emotional ups and downs, but now we’re about to face a crash.
A crash back down to Earth. The rain is coming people (in some parts of the country it’s already arrived).
However, all is not lost.
Here are ten reasons we should welcome the rain.
It’s prime real estate for incredible smooching
You can be lazy and not feel guilty about it
Those box sets you've been neglecting over the past week or so? Get on them!
It will give our poor Irish skin some respite
You've run out of hot weather clothes
Our wardrobes are not built for sun, so chances are you've run out of cool sunny ensembles.
A bit of rain will give us time to do the washing, even if it's not great drying weather.
This is not everyday clothing, people. Imgur
Haven't you missed them?
Right, me neither, but they're pretty and they come with rain (I'm doing my best here).
It's hard to have dramatic melancholy moments in the sunshine
If you've been faking a smile for the last week when really what you want is to be miserable, this could be your moment.
It's easier on the wallet
It's virtually impossible to resist going out after work when the sun is blazing, so rainy evenings will be a lot cheaper.
It will minimise our jealousy
When it's sunny you are jealous of everyone. You're jealous of people who are off work if you're in work, jealous of people who work outside, jealous of people who have thought of a better sunny day activity than you have.
We need a bitterness break.
It will make being at work feel like less of a punishment
At least with this you feel lucky to be inside and dry:
It'll give us something to complain about
The sunny dispositions brought on by this weather are unnatural.
We are Irish. We complain. It's who we are.