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Demand for redheaded sperm in decline... except from Ireland

The world’s largest sperm bank says supply is outstripping demand for sperm from redheaded donors from most countries except Ireland.

It could be bad news for the Gooch...
It could be bad news for the Gooch...
Image: INPHO/James Crombie

THE WORLD’S LARGEST sperm bank is turning away donations from redheads saying supply is outstripping demand which is falling everywhere, except from Ireland.

The director of Cyros International Ole Schou has said that not enough people want ginger kids and that redheads are now being turned away from his sperm bank, the Australian Herald Sun reports him as telling Ekstra Bladet in Denmark.

Schou is quoted as saying: “There are too many redheads in relation to demand.

“I do not think you chose a redhead, unless the partner – for example, the sterile male – has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that’s perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case.”

However, the The Sun reports him as saying that demand for sperm from redheaded donors remains high from Ireland where apparently it sells “like hot cakes.”

The sperm most in demand is that from men with brown hair and brown eyes because of the company’s large customer base in Spain, Italy and Greece.

Guinness World Records says the Cyros sperm bank is the largest on the planet with 140,000 samples available, shipping to more than 65 countries and helping to impregnate as many as 2,000 a year, according to the Daily Mail.

Donors can make up to €365 from donating sperm but if you’re ginger, you’re out of luck.

About the author:

Hugh O'Connell

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