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7 offensive things redheads are sick of hearing

Watch out for that temper!

Image: Imgur

RESEARCH CARRIED OUT at University College Cork has found that people with red hair are more likely to be bullied.

Over 1,700 people were surveyed for the study, undertaken as part of an undergraduate psychology degree.

Sixty-five per cent of those surveyed had red hair, and 60 per cent of those said that they had been bullied because of it.

Between five and ten per cent of those with hair colours other than red said they had been mocked because of their follicular blessings.

If you’re wondering if you’ve ever been guilty of some red-headed meanness, ask yourself if you’ve ever uttered any of these… you monsters:

1. “Does the carpet match the curtains?”

Does my fist match your face?

Does the carpet match the drapes? -How you think the pickup line is going to work - Imgur Source: Imgur

2. “Gingers show no fear”

Untrue. Despite this evidence to the contrary:

Gingers show no fear - Imgur Source: Imgur

3. “Gingers have no soul”

Thanks South Park. Thanks for nothing.

tumblr_loil2gU6DF1qludboo1_500 Source: Tumblr

4. The word “ginger”

It’s not to everyone’s taste. ‘Red head’ is much more acceptable. Okay Metro Herald?

5. “Oooh I bet you have a hot temper”

I didn’t. Until just now.

coppercab-rage-o Source: Gifsoup

6. “Something something Emma Stone…. something Ed Sheeran…. something something Annie “

Why yes, all of those famous people do also have red hair, but – and you might find this hard to believe – I share no affinity with them, rarely think about them, and don’t think I look like any of them.

V Festival 2014 Day Two - Weston Park Source: Joe Giddens

 7. “Redheaded stepchild”

Just plain nasty. You’ve made this red-headed seal cry. Hope you’re proud of yourself.

Even though he has no soul, this ginger seal is adorable. - Imgur Source: Imgur

10 people who are giving redheads a hard time>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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