THE BROADCASTING MORATORIUM has kicked in so you won’t be hearing from any politicians – either of the affirmative or of the negative persuasion – for the next 30 hours or so.
If that saddens you, don’t worry – there are options. For one, you could check out TheJournal.ie‘s extremely informative Fiscal Compact Q&A or our Gavan Reilly’s excellently translated (into layman’s terms, not German) Fiscal Compact.
But, if you – like some of us who shall remain nameless at TheJournal.ie – are a little jaded by the Punch and Judy politics, the celebrity endorsements and the Gerry Adams/Enda Kenny non-face-off, then you’ve absolutely come to the right place.
We’ve spent the last hour trawling the interweb for brilliant posts that will last at least until your next cup of coffee.
First up, is this video of Calvin and Teedie because my editor asked me to put together a fun post, “you know with cute cats and babies.” Right you are, boss:
(YouTube Credit: ck1436)
And here we thought that YouTube invented cute kitty videos. We were so wrong. This is how they used to do them, back in the day like:
(YouTube credit: BFIfilms, where you’ll find a whole host of other goodies to while away your afternoon)
If cats aren’t your thing, how about some polar bears? Here’s one attempting a hand (paw?) stand:
And another, not doing much of anything (except being adorable):
(YouTube credits for both: OneWorldOneOcean)
Hamsters – smart or not? You decide…but this one could probably fool the deadliest of assassins:
(YouTube Credit: Athanasius Mike; Hat-tip: Buzzfeed)
Don’t worry, the Internet has more to offer than just (real) animals. Here’s Amy Adams being typically wholesome, sweet and funny courtesy of The Muppet’s longest blooper reel in the history of…well, The Muppets.
For those of you of age who would like some cold, refreshing beverages on this muggy evening (maybe to crack open before getting stuck into the Fiscal Compact), Chris Sumers has some unusual ways to get around the lost bottle opener dilemma. Note: keep an eye out for the pizza.
And for some more escapism – although maybe not of the happy, cute kind – the first trailer from the much-anticipated motion picture adaptation of the epic 19th century French tale Les Misérables has been released. Anne Hathaway sings!
You are welcome.
Bonus content if you’re more of a reader than a watcher:
ABC News has been looking back at last year’s real-life fairytale and Katie Couric bagged a rare interview with princes William and Harry in which they talked about their mother, Kate Middleton, the wedding and babies. Click here for snippets from the interviews.
-Speaking of the British royals and ahead of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the BBC has examined how much of a sartorial influence she has had. Does the Queen do fashion?
-What have you done today? This American 15-year-old has just created a test to detect cancer.
-It has been seven years since Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah’s couch.
-Could Euro2012 be as special as this? Miguel Delaney has been reliving Euro ’88 with some of the stars of the show for TheScore.ie.