YOU MAY REMEMBER that around this time last year the cold, snowy and icey weather played havoc with every aspect of our lives and caused one man to slip rather dramatically on the glassy ice of Dublin’s streets – on national television.
He became known as ‘The Man Who Slipped on the Ice’ on the Six-One News.
The footage used at the beginning of a report by John Kilraine showed the man walking along, bag in hand when suddenly the ice intervened and he crashed to the ground, shouting “Oh s***” on the way down.
YouTube: danielspar
Later the Sunday Independent reported on the viral sensation that has now garnered over 1.8 million hits on YouTube and claimed that a Facebook group had identified the man.
Here at TheJournal.ie we are convinced our own Niall Kelly was the ‘The Man Who Slipped on the Ice’ but he has denied such claims, even though he’s regularly mistaken for him on the mean streets of Dublin city.
Now a spoof video sheds light on what has happened to the man a year on. He is identified in this instance as Brendan Adhere but he will be forever known as ‘The Man Who Slipped on the Ice’.
Written by Tom Walsh and Kevin McGahern, of thomasjamsdotcom and who also star in the film, it is a sorry tale of how one man’s life has been dramatically changed by an incident he just cannot escape from:
Hat tip to news presenter Bryan Dobson who originally introduced the fateful report on the Six One News last year. He thinks it’s a “great video”.