Dublin: 7 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Humans of Dublin teamed up with the DSPCA to create the heartbreaking 'Rescue Dogs of Dublin'


THE HUMANS OF DUBLIN Facebook page often turns up a gem.


This week, they’re collaborating with the DSPCA to bring us ‘Rescue Pets of Dublin‘.


By telling their stories, they hope to encourage people to adopt, not shop.

Together we want to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and create public awareness of the plight many different kinds of animals endure while awaiting a home in shelters and rescue centres all around the globe.

Take this guy, Pirate

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His story is heartbreaking

I came from a puppy farm. I was being shipped out of the country illegally, along with my siblings, we were going to be sold into the UK market. Some nice policemen found us hidden in a vehicle and we didn’t have the necessary paperwork or vaccinations to be taken out of the country so, we were taken to the DSPCA.
The kind vets here gave us some medicine and we got a lovely bath which made us feel a lot better. I ate proper food for the first time and was delicious! I love to play and do fun stuff.
I really miss my mum and I hope that she is doing ok, but by now she is probably having more puppies just like me, I hope the nice policemen will find her too. I am going to have a family of my own soon and so will my brother and sisters, which makes me really really happy.


And little cuddly Fizz

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“I’m the most gorgeous doggie around here. At least that’s what everyone says, and I think they are right! I was found straying on a road and was brought to the DSPCA. I wasn’t microchipped and my owner never got in contact with them, so I knew they didn’t want me back. I was heartbroken…”

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I’ve the squishiest face in all the DSPCA and all the staff and volunteers just love me. I haven’t had the best of luck with dogs around here. It’s very hard for me to make friends with them because I wasn’t socialised around dogs as a puppy, and now I don’t know how to act around them! Everyone is working really hard though to make me better. It’s a slow process but I’ll get there eventually.

“To be really honest… I prefer people and I always try my best to crawl onto their laps and give everyone tonnes of kisses. My biggest dream is to find myself a human that would love to curl up and cuddle with me at the end of the day.”

Please, we have no more tears to give.

People have also been sharing their own pets’ stories in the comments



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