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13 of the most smartass responses to Facebook posts


FACEBOOK IS A hot haven of hot heads.

Proceed with caution, all collected from the excellent FacebookWins.

1. This third degree BURN

V8UYNfY Source: Imgur

2. They walked into this one

bBvkvVp Source: Imgur

3. Well, they weren’t lying

FuMqSF7 Source: Imgur

4. This guy, doing it for himself

osxgds2 Source: Imgur

5. This guy has it all sorted out

0CSAUF2 Source: Imgur

6. So true

JaH1c8U Source: Imgur


7. This guy, just playing along

I8lVqdl Source: Imgur

8. This serious dedication

qbXn2ZD Source: Imgur

9. This photoshop whizzkid

4gJPGDo Source: Imgur

10. Maaaaaaam

xwLO9Kp Source: Imgur

11. Hey, listen, it’s a valid question

Rgjp0d6 Source: Imgur

12. That’s some motivation

smKrNO2 Source: Imgur

13. … smartass

stE1T3F Source: Imgur

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18 differences between Bebo and Facebook kids today will never understand>

This little boy’s reaction to his sister buying him a hamster is absolutely lovely>

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