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11 unmistakable signs that you have chronic Resting Bitch Face
WORRIED THAT YOU or a loved one may have chronic Resting Bitch Face?
For those of you not in the know, Resting Bitch Face is when a woman’s ‘neutral’ expression invariably looks like this:
animalsadda animalsadda
Resting Bitch Face is extremely common among women (and some men) and is totally manageable – it can even be quite handy when dealing with unsavoury members of the public.
Here’s how you know you’ve got it.
1. Random people are always telling you to smile
Oh sure. One second:
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2. As are people asking “What’s wrong?” when you’re happy as Larry
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3. All of your passport photos look like this
4. Your mother makes sly comments about how “pretty” you look when you smile
Imgur Imgur
5. It’s been mentioned that you’re “unapproachable”
That is actually impossible. Look at us! We’re lovely.
Photobucket Photobucket
6. And that when you do smile, it looks forced
It’s a lot of work turning this:
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To this:
Associated Press Associated Press
Give us some credit.
7. New friends will say they thought you were “so scary” when they first met you
“You were standing over there with a big head on ya, and I thought, ‘She’s definitely a massive bitch.’”
Mrwgifs Mrwgifs
We get that a lot.
8. And sometimes people are shocked that you can be nice
BlogSpot BlogSpot
Hey! We do have hearts!
9. “It’s just my face” is your catchphrase
Associated Press Associated Press
All hail the queen of Resting Bitch Face, Kristen Stewart. Bet she has to say that a lot.
10. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and get a fright
OH. That’s why people think I’m angry.
Julie Jacobson / AP Photo Julie Jacobson / AP Photo / AP Photo
Still not gonna smile for you though, random man on the street!
11. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. All is not lost:
10 awkward moments every vegetarian has experienced>
10 things Irish girls need their boyfriends to know>
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