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The director of The Last Jedi had a great response to fan complaints about the film's finale

Big old spoilers for the new Star Wars film inside.

WE SAID IT under the headline, and we’ll say it again – this here article contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Proceed with caution.

the-last-jedi-theatrical-blog Source: Star Wars

The latest Star Wars film has been very contentious among diehard fans of the series – they particularly don’t like the bit where Luke uses the Force to project a ‘hologram’ of himself into battle to fool Kylo Ren and buy the Resistance some time to escape.

According to these fans, in this completely imaginary space universe that some guy dreamed up, it simply isn’t possible for someone to astral project themselves on to another planet.

Director Rian Johnson shed some light on the subject pretty easily yesterday by tweeting some pages from a sacred Jedi text (AKA an official reference book brought out in 2010).

Doppelganger, or similfuturus, permits a Jedi to create a short-lived duplicate of himself or herself or an external object that is virtually indistinguishable from the real item.

Well then. Back in our box.

Johnson has been gamely debating different plot points with fans since the film came out last month – he usually mines his knowledge of Star Wars to answer questions, but we like this reasoning of why Leia was able to use the Force to float through space:

Tweet by @Rian Johnson Source: Rian Johnson/Twitter

Thank you Rian, you’ve answered most of our questions satisfactorily. (But we still want to know why Kylo had his top off in that scene. DM us.)

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