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College students build robotic arm for disabled teenager

Here he is using it for the first time.

DEE FAUGHT WAS born with osteogenesis imperfecta, or ‘brittle bone disease’, meaning that his bones are weak and prone to fracture.

He’s now 17, confined to a motorised chair and finds it difficult to complete everyday tasks.

His one wish is to be more independent, and that could well be on its way to happening thanks to three bioengineering students.

The team–Brittle Bones–from Rice University, Matthew Nojoomi, Sergio Gonzalez, and Nimish Mittal, have fashioned a robotic arm that could help Faught lift things using a game controller.

According to the Rice University website, the students managed to complete the arm with only $800 despite commercial arms usually costing upward of $25,000.

They say that the arm is currently a prototype, but they hope to get grant to further develop it for widespread use.

Faught is said to be thrilled with the progress of the arm, and now plans on attending Houston Community College before moving to New York City to pursue a career in music production.

Watch the short documentary below to see Dee’s new arm in action.

Source: RiceUniversity

Via DailyDot

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