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Robbie Williams told Graham Norton a hilarious story about hiding Geri Halliwell in the boot of his car

He put her in a duffel bag and carried her over his shoulder to the car.

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THERE’S ONE NIGHT a year when the number of Irish people watching The Graham Norton show plummets, and that’s the night of the Toy Show.

If you didn’t catch up with last night’s re-run on TV3, you probably missed out on this gas story that Robbie Williams shared on Friday night. Graham, after reading Robbie Williams’ new book, had a question about a story involving Spice Girl Geri Halliwell.

Did you contact other people [before writing this book]. Geri Haliwell — did you ring her and say “Is it OK if I put that story out?”

Robbie admitted that he hadn’t.

robbie williams

Graham got Robbie to retell the story to his audience.

I used to have this flat in Notting Hill, and the window was quite public. I’d be watching the TV and a bus would pull up, and the top deck – they’d be watching Robbie Williams watch the television every 20 minutes. That particular evening, Geri Haliwell was around at the flat.

Before he knew it, Robbie had 20-25 paparazzi outside his house, flashing their cameras in the hopes that a popstar would appear in the window.

Fed up with the whole thing, Robbie decided to call the police around to find out what his rights were. (As if the paparazzi wouldn’t love the sight of a police car pulling up to Robbie Williams’ gaff, but whatever).

This police came around, and I said, “I’m really sorry to get you round, mate. I don’t want to be hindrance but I’ve got all of these paparazzi and I just want to know what my rights are.

The policeman was no help to Robbie, telling him it was funny how he wanted press at the beginning of his career but Robbie didn’t like it later on when the press were looking for something from him.

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 Rolling his eyes, Robbie booted the policeman out and hatched a plan on how to get Geri Halliwell off of his premises without creating rumours that they were dating.

Robbie said to Geri:

We can’t do anything about the paparazzi. We should get out of here.

He then explained that he had the ‘genius’ idea, to put her in a holdall, since she’s so small.

I literally put her in this duffel bag and put her over my shoulder. The paparazzi are all taking pictures and I’m like “Hi guys!”

Source: The Graham Norton Show/YouTube

Robbie then explained that he put her in the boot of the car.

It gets even worse.

It was funny. When we got to the service station and I had a KFC, I could have let her out, but y’know nature calls. I had to have that chicken.

Poor Geri.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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