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How Well Do You Remember The Films Of Robin Williams?

To mark his first anniversary…


1. What or who is Williams impersonating in this clip from Mrs Doubtfire?
A corpse
A pancake

A hot dog
His ex wife
2. What are the missing lyrics from Never Had A Friend Like Me?
sir, wishes, order, write
friend, pleasure, hand, hold

sir, pleasure, order, jot
sir, order, wish, jot
3. What is Williams' name as the grown-up Peter Pan in Hook?
Peter Panlowe
Peter Banning

Peter Panning
Peter Pans
4. In Good morning Vietnam, what does the 'O' stand for in 'O-600 hours'?
"Oh my God it's early"
"Out of bed you cretins"

"Only kidding"
"Over and out"
5. Complete the famous Good Will Hunting quote: "If the professor calls about that job, just tell him, sorry, I ......"
".... gotta go see about a girl"
"... had to go see about a girl"

".... had to see about them apples"
"... gotta see about a girl"
6. In Dead Poets Society, who wrote the poem 'O Captain My Captain' comes from?

7. What film did Robin Williams win his only Oscar for?
Good Morning Vietnam
Dead Poets Society

Good Will Hunting
8. What are the kids names in Jumanji?
Judy and Peter
Kirsten and Bradley

Sarah and Peter
Judy and Alan
9. In The Fisher King, what is Williams' character on a mission to find?
His mother
The Holy Grail

A sacred key
His dog
10. What Robin Williams film is this a still from?
What Dreams May Come

One Hour Photo
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That's it, you're going into Jumanji.
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That's it, you're going into Jumanji.
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That's it, you're going into Jumanji.
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Ah here!
That's it, you're going into Jumanji.
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Wakey wakey Vietnam!
Not bad. You won't be getting an O Captain My Captain Out of us though.
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Wakey wakey Vietnam!
Not bad. You won't be getting an O Captain My Captain Out of us though.
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O Captain My Captain!
Nice work. Good morning Vietnam indeed!
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O Captain My Captain!
Nice work. Good morning Vietnam indeed!
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O Captain My Captain!
Nice work. Good morning Vietnam indeed!
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O Captain My Captain!
Nice work. Good morning Vietnam indeed!
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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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