TENNIS POWERHOUSE ROGER Federer is the cover star of Town and Country this month.
And… this happened.
There are many questions to be asked about this.
The kicked-up heel?
The hovering hand?
The inexplicable runners-and-suit combination? And the pointed toe as he trips lightly across the lawn?
Let’s just look at the whole thing again. He’s going Full Prance.
We’ll just leave this villain from a French detective novel here. No comment.
The cover is, ahem, making shapes online. It’s already fallen victim to Photoshop.
Go Fug Yourself points out, perfectly, that he looks like the bad guy in a tennis musical:
He looks like he’s leaping into frame as the bad guy in a musical called I Say, Anyone For Tennis? or yes, a Wes Anderson flick titled The Racketeer, or perhaps the more florid The Nefarious Motives of Jacques.
And then, or course, there’s Twitter.
There’s only one thing for this. PRANCERCISE.