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Ronan Keating and girlfriend Storm have a joint Twitter account

They’ll be tweeting about all the nice food they eat. Lucky us.

IF YOU EVER WANTED to know what Ronan Keating’s daily meals consist of, look no further.

Ronan and his girlfriend Storm Uechtritz have set up a joint Twitter account, which has amassed over 1,500 followers since it was set up two days ago.

According to their first tweet, @ROandSTORMY will mostly be dedicated to food:


Here’s what they’ve been getting up to so far.

Having some #WellDeserved cocktails:

Grabbing some fancy coffee:

Talking like true foodies in a Brighton restaurant:

Having #Storms1stSausage:


Listen up, couples: if you don’t have a joint Twitter account, your love isn’t real. IT ISN’T REAL.

h/t Entertainment.ie

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