THE ROSE OF Tralee came to a close last night for another year, with the Chicago Rose crowned the winner.
But the real winners, in our hearts, were the dads. Dads such as…
1. The Galway Rose’s dad, who was just resting his eyes
Swear to God, keep that nose down now.
2. Offaly’s adorable crying dad
3. This messer
4. The Louth Rose’s dad matching his dicky bow to her dress
5. The Wicklow rose’s dad, who was SO PROUD of HIMSELF
He represented Ireland in the over 80s table tennis championship, and had the paddle to prove it. Legend.
6. Is this lad a dad? We don’t care, he’s the best
7. Scotland’s dad, who said he used to trick the kids into thinking he was famous when he was a teacher
SUCH a dad move.
8. And finally… The Melbourne Roses’ absolute charmer of a dad getting the shift in
Oh errr.