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12 people whose Rose of Tralee talent we'd pay to see

Can you beat ‘putting on a duvet cover in six seconds’?

THE ROSE OF Tralee talent segments have come a long way since simply reciting a poem or whipping off your skirt to reveal a shorter skirt for a spot of one two three, two two three.

Last year alone we had Mardi Gras, fish and Britney Spears in whalesong.

We think we can do even better though. Here’s some inspiration:

1. Father Ted scenes


2. Sarcasm and skulling

3. So patriotic


4. Cat GIFs

5. Gatting naggins

the oul Naggin of Smirnoff Source: D464-Darren Hall

6. Multi-talented

7. One Dedication

8. Acrobatics

9. More acrobatics



10. Olympic acrobatics

11. Chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool…

tumblr_mrwfxxdG5q1qm0g7co1_500 Source: Tumblr

12. Simple addition

Can you beat any of these? Let us know what your special talent would be…

7 people who are weirdly miffed about the Rose of Tralee>

As it happened: The crowning of the Rose of Tralee 2013>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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