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The Royal Wedding is dragging up more headlines about Princess Diana than we can handle

You can put Princess Diana into a headline about nearly anything it seems.

IN CASE ANYONE has forgotten Meghan Markle will marry Prince Harry on May 19th and the royal obsessives amongst us are out in force.

Source: PA Wire/PA Images

In fact the obsession has gotten so bad that in a bid for royal content a lot of news sites are using Princess Diana to get the clicks. This of course is nothing new as a lot of people are still obsessed with Diana even though she died in 1997.

Source: John Stillwell

However with an imminent Royal Wedding AND Kate Middleton expected to give birth to a third child any day now, we’ve hit peak Diana posts and frankly someone has to say enough.

Source: GIPHY

Firstly why are we still talking about Camilla and Diana?

Source: The Daily Star

Yes ok Prince Charles and Camilla did have an affair so it’s easy to see why they may not have been the best of buds but the affair happened in 1986. Can we please LET IT GO?

Then we have the rumours

Source: The Daily Star

This article starts off confident and then descends into guessing about what tiara Markle MIGHT inherit if any.

Harry, 33, may ask his uncle for the tiara and loan it to Meghan.

Glad we’ve got that nailed down so.

And then we have the birth stuff

Source: Maire Claire

According to this article, royal women used to have the baby delivered by being put in a ‘twilight sleep’ and have the baby pulled out by forceps. Diana decided to forego this pain free option and give birth standing up. This is no doubt cool but I am still unclear on why this is news now.

Source: Independent.ie


Of course we need to compare Meghan and Diana 24/7

Source: Gulf News

It’s not like Meghan could be her own person or anything. Nope, she’s either the new Diana or she’s a witch sent to steal Prince Harry’s heart and crush it into a thousand little pieces. There is literally no in-between.

And Camilla can’t get away with anything

Source: The Express

She wore a brooch that used to be Diana’s which Diana had to give back to the Royal family after she divorced Charles. Camilla wore it and 86% of Express readers said it was disrespectful. A brooch. Which belongs to the Royal family. Ok.

Then of course we have the conspiracy theories

Source: Romper.com

The ring isn’t the EXACT ring because Kate Middleton had some modifications made to it such as making it smaller. How dare she. HOW DARE SHE.

Also if I read one more headline about how Meghan Markle is paying tribute to Diana I may scream

Source: Time.com

She wore a hat.

Source: News.com.au

She’s putting white roses in her bouquet which apparently were Diana’s favourites.

And finally the headline which I relate to the most

Source: The Express

No we don’t. We don’t need another woman hounded by the press and paparazzi and ultimately someone who died because people couldn’t get enough of her. Leave Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton alone and let them live their lives in peace.

And please stop telling me how they give birth.

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About the author:

Rachel O'Neill

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