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Do you know these twin toy testers from the '88 Toy Show?

RTÉ Archives are looking to identify them, and they need the public’s help.

ARE YOU A TWIN? Were you a toy tester on the Late Late Toy Show in the ’80s? Maybe you can help RTÉ out.

Ahead of the Late Late Toy Show this Friday, they’re taking a trip down memory lane with some old stills from the archives. They’re looking to identify these twins, who appeared as toy testers in the 1988 Toy Show.

Here are the cute pair, in matching stripy tops and hair braids, demonstrating toys with Gay Byrne.

twinsrte Source: RTÉ Archives

Do you know who they are? Could one of them be you? If you think you can help, contact the RTÉ Archives at archives@rte.ie or tweet them at @RTEArchives.

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