RTÉ HAS SAID that it’s giving the news a makeover.
That includes a new tune from composer Ronan Hardiman as well as some changes for the bulletins and the newsroom as a whole.
It’s prompted us to take a nostalgic look at some of RTÉ’s intros and theme tunes down through the years.
This clip from 1985 has a bonus Today Tonight (remember that?) teaser and these graphics:
Meanwhile, this was RTÉ Two’s Newsnight intro during the same year:
In 1987 RTÉ stopped broadcasting at around 11.45pm each night, rounding off the day with some news headlines, the national anthem and then closedown.
There was no news intro music, but this video does feature Vere Wynn Jones and some bonus eighties ads.
Check out those graphics:
And a moustachioed Ken Hammond with News Extra:
Things were a little swankier by 1993:
This was the intro to the Six One News late that year:
Some more classic ads here, along with some alarming news intro music:
By 1997 the Nine O’Clock News had been using the same intro music and graphics for several years. Hey, if it ain’t broke…
Here’s the nation’s beloved Anne Doyle reading the last news broadcast of 1998 as the country prepared to change over to the single currency.
1999 brought a new look and sound to the RTÉ news intro:
Here’s a news broadcast from the Christmas period in 2000, including a bonus Angelus.
In 2005 violence in Kildare, The Columbia Three and tributes to Mo Mowlam made the headlines:
2007 saw a move away from blues and greens with this intro:
The 2009 news intro was much the same as it is now: