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Rubberbandits tricked Anton Savage* into believing this disgusting dessert was a real thing

(* Well maybe.)

90275055 Source: Sasko Lazarov/RollingNews.ie

YESTERDAY, BLINDBOY BOATCLUB, one half of Rubberbandits, appeared on Today FM’s Anton Savage Show to discuss the comedy duo’s forthcoming RTÉ show Rubberbandits’ Guide To 1916.

At the beginning of the conversation, Savage remarked, “Do you know that, as far as we can work out, Limerick has no native desserts?”

Blindboy immediately shot back, “Yes it does,” and went on to regale listeners with a description of a delicacy called the “Sarsfields Gannet”.

It’s a Kit-Kat floating in cider with a little bit of salt.
The sharpness from the cider, the sweetness from the Kit-Kat and then the salt marries these two flavours like a priest.

Sounds… lovely. (And totally made up.)

Now we don’t really think that Anton Savage thought that the Sarsfields Gannet was a real thing (although he did play along) but his team did go ahead and prepare one this morning.

And here’s what it looked like.

CQTgswvWsAAS7t_ Source: AntonSavageShow/Twitter

Yep, that’s broken up Kit-Kat in a glass of cider.

Rubberbandits shared the photo on their Facebook and wrote:

We were on Today FM with Anton Savage yesterday and made up a fake Limerick dessert called a “Sarsfields Gannet”. Which is a salted kit Kat floating in Cider. They must have believed me that it was real, because they tweeted this photo at us this morning. The entire news desk of today FM will be eating “Sarsfields Gannets”. That’s Dublin for you lads.


So, how is it made? We’re told you boil Linden Village, add gelatine and throw in the salted Kit-Kat on top.

Here’s Keith Duffy enjoying one.

So now.

One for you to try this weekend.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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