THE GREAT BRENDA Fricker once remarked “When you are lying drunk at the airport, you’re Irish. When you win an Oscar, you’re British.”
You would think that in 2017 the world would have learned to tell the difference between Ireland and Great Britain. But if the British media’s attempts to claim Ruth Negga as one of their own today are anything to go by, it’s clear that the old adage still holds true.
So, listen up world. We have a few words for you.
Ruth Negga was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to an Irish mother and Ethiopian father. She was raised in Co. Limerick and later emigrated to the UK. In what world does this make her British?
Please show your methodology.
Moving to London as an adult does not make you “British-Irish”.
Loads of British actors live in Los Angeles. Are they American-British?
Try again, guys!
I mean, really. A cursory Google search would clarify this for you.
If Google says she’s Irish and Ethiopian, then you can probably trust them. No need to automatically assume that they actually meant British.
Here’s how Irish Ruth Negga is: she starred in Love is the Drug, a television drama set in Drogheda.
She played Lisa Sheerin. A good Louth name.
Not to mention Love/Hate.
Side-note: Ruth Negga is now the first Love/Hate star to land an Oscar nomination. Yippee!
Now we wouldn’t mind confusion about her national identity if we hadn’t already gone through this at the Golden Globes!
At the Golden Globes, Meryl Streep mentioned Ruth Negga in her speech and said that she grew up in London, before quickly correcting herself and clarifying that she grew up in Ireland.
So really there’s no excuse for this nonsense…
Repeat after us: close proximity to Britain does not make one British. Limerick is not part of Great Britain. Ruth Negga is not from the UK.
If it happens again, we’re taking Andrew Garfield.
Congratulations to Irishman Andrew Garfield on his Oscar nomination! Good man, Andy! The whole island of Ireland is behind you!