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Ryan Gosling has claimed that he's never uttered the words "hey girl"

What fresh hell is this?

RYAN GOSLING HAS destroyed an entire corner of the internet by claiming that he has never uttered his famous catchphrase “Hey girl”.

Speaking at the South By Southwest festival Gosling has said that he has no idea where the Feminist Ryan Gosling meme began.

The meme took images of Gosling and coupled them with pro-equality phrases.

tumblr_mdvp9km5qg1r4vn34o1_500 Source: Tumblr

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There was even a book.

tumblr_mij5a7I4RM1r4vn34o1_500 Source: Tumblr

There was also a Hey Girl meme (which actually came first) which simply paid tribute to Gosling’s ‘regulation hottie’ looks and genial demeanour.

RyanGosling-2 Source: Missinfo

However at a panel at SXSW to chat about his directorial debut Lost River, Gosling has said:

The thing is, I’ve never said it. I understand if you’re in a movie and you say something like, ‘I’ll be back,’ like you gotta own that. You said that. But I never said this. I didn’t even know about it. I go on the street and some guy goes, ‘Hey girl’.

Bustle claims that that “Hey girl” might in fact be the first time Gosling has ever publicly said it.

That’s not the case though:

Source: Ardito Barmore/YouTube

The origin of the meme appears to have been traced back to a 2008 Tumblr blog called F*ck Yeah! Ryan Gosling, run by Douglas Reinhardt.

Jezebel picked it up in early 2009, and the rest is history.

A Facebook page duped almost a million people with a Ryan Gosling adoption hoax

How much of a ride is Ryan Gosling, really?

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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