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VIDEO: Ryan Lochte goes on 90210; is a little confused

Memorising lines… and trying to, like… say them.

DON’T DOUBT OUR faith in Ryan Lochte. Hell, he can swim. He can point. OK, he’s not great at interviews, but whatever.

Anyway – fresh from his Olympic glories, the Lochtenator put in a cameo role with the bronzed teens of 90210.

In his own words, he did a lot of memorising lines… and trying to, like… say them.


Bonus: Not enough Ryan Lochte for you? Try this compilation of his most incisive interview moments. “What defines me? Ryan Lochte.”

Read: Ryan Lochte got these gold-plated, diamond-encrusted razors for winning five Olympic medals>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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