PEOPLE REALLY LOVE Ryan Reynolds. So much so, that one fan has the words ‘Ryan Reynolds’ branded on his arse for the rest of their life. People also really love Game of Thrones.
Now people can’t help but envision Ryan getting a role in GoT after he told The Sun that he is a huge fan of the show.
There’s nothing I won’t do to get my next fix. No boundary of self-respect, I’ll do whatever it is I have to do to have more.
However, he takes it a little further than the average fan. He admitted that he would have Aiden Gillen or Liam Cunningham killed off in order to make room for himself.
He also at one point believed that it was real life. As if the dragons weren’t enough of a give away.
He said that the opportunity to land a role in the show would be “ridiculously insane” (in a good way, obviously).
He believes his Irish ancestry and “rugged pallor” would be an advantage to him. Does he know there are very few men in Ireland who look remotely like Ryan Reynolds?
He has fantasized about working with the cast before, but probably not in a way that you ever could have imagined.
Someone send the producers of Game of Thrones this idea and see if it will sweeten the deal.