Updated 21.10
RYAN TUBRIDY HAS taken his leave of Twitter, bidding farewell to his 60,000+ followers with some goodbye tweets this evening.
In a double-tweet message the Late Late Show and RTÉ and BBC radio presenter said that he simply didn’t have enough time to maintain his account on the “curious” social medium:
His @tubridytweets account was deleted a short time later.
Tubridy has in the past been the subject of negative tweets, particularly about his presenting style. He had managed to build up an impressive following and had a habit of engaging with people using the medium.
His BBC radio debut was also the subject of much Twitter comment.
His announcement has Twitter abuzz, but it’s not clear if he’ll be a silent observer from now on, or if he’ll go cold turkey.
A variety of tweets have been posted ranging from disappointment, to good riddance, to good-humoured sarcasm, to well-wishes and messages of support…
Earlier in the year Tubridy took part in TheJournal.ie‘s ‘Twestion Time’ – a Twitter-based interview. When asked during that interview what the worst thing anything ever said to him via the medium he sidestepped the question, saying:
Twitter is a pub conversation. It comes, it goes… #don’ttakelifetooseriously