IS THERE ANYTHING worse than being on a cramped, hot and sweaty plane and then being forced to listen to a triumphant trumpet jingle to celebrate the fact that you’re “on time”?
In a word, no.
And everyone who has ever flown with Ryanair agrees.
1. It might be the most self-congratulatory move ever
2. I mean, really.
3. It’s stupid.
4. And poxy.
5. And a load of shite, to be frank.
6. It almost makes you feel glad about having a delayed flight.
7. “Ah sure, I might be two hours later than I had planned, but at least I don’t have to listen to that bloody trumpet.”
8. As Brody so eloquently put it, “Ffs”
9. Even the staff think it’s a joke
10. Only thing that makes you more murderous than hearing the Ryanair trumpet? Hearing the Ryanair trumpet when the flight isn’t even on time
11. *shakes fist*
12. And the fact that it seems to encourage applause only makes things worse
13. Here’s a very accurate picture of you
Lord give us strength.