HOW MANY OF you are eating your lunch at your desk right now, or will do so at some stage this week?
Maybe you’ll go out and treat yourself to a delicious gourmet sandwich or salad, or maybe – as payday taunts you from just over the hill – you’ll cobble together whatever’s languishing in your fridge and presses.
Chances are your desk lunch won’t be as sad as these though, courtesy of the Sad Desk Lunch tumblr.
This person’s chicken fillet (?) and Easy Singles lunch
That can of Coke perks it right up.
This person’s lunch left on the train
This person’s ruined lunch
The perils of the shared fridge.
This sandwich made of… er… blood?
Is it actually blood? We think it might be.
This sweetcorn and Oxo cube lunch
Ho, ho, ho, green giant! *breaks into quiet weeping*
This person’s sad, dry chicken breast
Not even a bit of bread.
These dry, dry carrots
So dry.
This troubling salad apocalypse
It probably looked nice when they made it six hours ago.
This person’s mustard on wrap special
Ah yes, that well-known delicacy.
This person’s immense sandwich
Not one, but TWO heels. No plate to put it on though.
This person’s Lean Cuisine
Why they allowed a dog to get sick in it is beyond us.
All images via Sad Desk Lunch