WHETHER YOU’RE A CHILD of the seventies, eighties, nineties or beyond, there are certain songs that will always tug on your heartstrings.
Songs that remind you of car journeys, holidays, people or places. Or songs that just make you yearn for a simpler time.
One of these maybe?
Katie – Mary Black
The definitive Mary Black tune, written by Jimmy McCarthy and sure to bring a tear to the eye of any self-respecting Irish man or woman.
All together now…
Cross my heart and hope to die, shall I cause another tear from your eye.
The Frog Chorus – Paul McCartney
This classic from the film Rupert and the Frog Song was originally released in June 1983, but became associated with Christmas in subsequent years.
It was a firm favourite to close out Dempsey’s Den for many years.
The Voyage – Christy Moore
If it’s not Joxer Goes to Stuttgart that makes you weep, The Voyage probably comes a close seconds.
Sing it Christy.
Bright Eyes – Art Garfunkel
Another song from an animated film, this time Watership Down. And we all know how that ends.
The Living Years – Mike and Mechanics
Mike and those blasted mechanics knew what they were at when they wrote this tear jerker about a dying dad.
Summer in Dublin – Bagatelle
No self-respecting Irish sing song is complete without Bagatelle’s maudlin late seventies hit about a day in the life in Dublin city.
Wichita Lineman – Glen Campbell
And I need you more than want you. And I want you for all time.
Glen Campbell’s 1968 hit (which was written by Jimmy Webb) spent five weeks at the top of the charts in Ireland. Surely there’s hardly a house that doesn’t harbour a copy of Campbell’s Wichita Lineman album.
Hold Me Now – Johnny Logan
The white suit. The fists of pure emotion. The Eurovision win. Johnny Logan is forever in our hearts.
(Honorable mention for What’s Another Year)
What songs from your childhood bring back fond and emotional memories? Let us know in the comments…