YOUR CHALLENGE, SHOULD you choose to accept it, is to make it through the next few minutes without weeping.
If you get caught by a friend or family member crying at any stage, here is your rock solid excuse:
Right, let’s go.
Look at this little girl being told over a loudspeaker that her navy sailor father is home from overseas
You can catch more of these over at
The Simpsons say goodbye to Mrs Krabappel
This pair singing Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Kermit says goodbye to Jim Henson
The story of Christian the Lion
Those eyes
Remember the opening few minutes from Up? Yeah, that
These childhood feels
These Frightened Rabbit songs
This really kind person during Hurricane Sandy
This plucky puppy
Runner helps a rival to finish a race
This really sad doodle
The Frog Chorus