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This bleak Instagram account is collecting the saddest place names in the world

You don’t want to go to there.

INSTAGRAM IS USUALLY a place that inspires wanderlust and envy. Well, not this account. Sad topographies is an account that collects grim places on Google maps that we definitely don’t want to go to.

Places like… Alone, Italy, or Unfortunate, Canada.

Sorrow Islands, Canada

Sorrow Islands, British Columbia, Canada #sorrow Sorrow Islands, British Columbia, Canada Source: sadtopographies

Depression Pond, US

Depression Pond, Dover U.S #depression Source: sadtopographies

Unfortunate Cove, Canada

Unfortunate Cove, Cook's Harbor, Canada #unfortunate Source: sadtopographies

Disappointment Island, New Zealand

Disappointment Island, New Zealand #disappointment Source: sadtopographies

Murder Island, Canada

Murder Island, Argyle, Canada #murder Source: sadtopographies

Point No Point, US

Point No Point, Hansville, US #nopoint Source: sadtopographies

Bloody Dick Peak, US

Bloody Dick Peak, Montana US #bloodydick Source: sadtopographies

The man behind the account, Damien Rudd, told Mashable that while the place names may seem funny now, many of them have “some very dark, and tragic stories behind them, and mostly likely refer less to the place itself, and more to events that took place there”.

Well, that’s made it even bleaker.

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