Dublin: 7 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

A psychic who reads arse-fortunes was on Newstalk today

Newstalk host Sean Moncrieff got his bum read by ‘rumpologist’ Sam Amos live on air.

NEWSTALK’S SEAN MONCRIEFF got his fortune told by one of the world’s only ‘rumpologists’ live on his show earlier this afternoon.

Psychic Sam Amos, who joined him on the show today, claims she can predict the future by looking at people’s bums, rather than their palms.

Sam has been a psychic for 20 years and though she started out reading tarot cards, she switched to bums after she was dared to read a radio DJ’s behind.

She realised that the shape and fullness of a bottom could speak volumes about a person’s personality and found fame as the world’s second ‘rumpologist’ (after Sylvester Stallone’s mother, Jackie).

Here’s what she made of Sean’s bum, which she read live on air:

I feel you are a very very much a family man. You and your wife, you complement each other so much… I don’t know if you’re worried about your oldest [child], worrying about their education, but I think they’ll do really well. In the right side, I see that you are opinionated, straightforward and blunt. The left side of your bum is your creative side.
I keep seeing TV with you, and I want to say new job opportunities? Not giving up your show but coming as a side project. I would say September/October time is very important.

We wonder if her predictions will come true? (One already has.)

If you need some more proof – in this video, Sam reads reporter Henry McKean’s bottom, and attempts to predict the result of the Grand National by reading the bums of jockeys Paul Carberry and Davy Condon.

Source: Newstalk 106-108 fm/YouTube

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