LOOK, WE’VE ALL been thinking it for years, and now one brave soul has finally taken sanitary towel ads to task.
For a long time Bodyform have told women that they can skydive, rollerblade, ride bikes, climb mountains and generally just prance around* during that time of the month.
Richard Neil from Coleraine felt that, as a man, he was missing out on these magical times. Now, as a grown up, he’s angry. He’s taken to Facebook to tell Bodyform exactly what he thinks of them.
81,873 likes later, we think he’s made his point:
*We know of course that women CAN do all of those things, and many many more. Just humour us.
This is the kind of carry on that has Richard’s knickers in a twist:
Strutting around on a pier:
Jumping out of an airplane:
Lepping around on the beach:
(SPOILER ALERT) Thelma and Louise used Bodyform, you know… but then they drove off a cliff: