Dublin: 5 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

Man's Facebook rant about sanitary towel ads goes viral (VIDEOS)

Where are all the extreme sports? The uplifting music?

LOOK, WE’VE ALL been thinking it for years, and now one brave soul has finally taken sanitary towel ads to task.

For a long time Bodyform have told women that they can skydive, rollerblade, ride bikes, climb mountains and generally just prance around* during that time of the month.

Richard Neil from Coleraine felt that, as a man, he was missing out on these magical times. Now, as a grown up, he’s angry. He’s taken to Facebook to tell Bodyform exactly what he thinks of them.

81,873 likes later, we think he’s made his point:


*We know of course that women CAN do all of those things, and many many more. Just humour us.

This is the kind of carry on that has Richard’s knickers in a twist:

Strutting around on a pier:


Jumping out of an airplane:


Lepping around on the beach:


(SPOILER ALERT) Thelma and Louise used Bodyform, you know… but then they drove off a cliff:


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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