Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Tesco Mobile brutally took down a guy complaining about them on Twitter

Oh shiiiiit.

DON’T MESS WITH Tesco, especially on Twitter. We’ve all seen what they’re capable of.

Samsung-Galaxy-S4-Tesco-Phone-Shops-Arthur-Gardner-Verdict Source: Phonesreview

Don’t even do it vaguely, they don’t need to be mentioned to come at you with the wrath of thousands.

Joe Lee found himself getting absolutely owned by a damn supermarket telecommunications offshoot last night when he tweeted about his mam’s crap voicemail:

Subtle, right?

Well Tesco came for him, and they came for him good. Their seething response probably hit home a bit too hard:


The absolute SAVAGES.


People were loving it





Would never happen with an Irish mammy, eh?

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